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Roundhouse India Red Ale cans the latest addition to Bell’s fall specialty lineup

Bells Brewery Roundhouse India Red Ale cans


Roundhouse India Red Ale cans the latest addition to Bell’s fall specialty lineup


Comstock, Mich. – Bell’s Brewery is proud to announce another addition to its specialty packaging lineup.

Previously only available on draught, Roundhouse India Red Ale (7.5% ABV) will debut in 12 oz. cans packaged in 6-packs. It will start shipping in September.

This limited specialty beer will ship to all states Bell’s distributes to.

“Roundhouse has been a favorite for so many since we started brewing it in 2009,” said Bell’s Vice President Laura Bell.

“It has a distinctive place in our beer portfolio and frankly, it was time to put this amazing beer into cans,” she added.

Brewed with Michigan honey, Bell’s Roundhouse India Red Ale is distinctly hop forward.

Substantial amounts of late-kettle hop additions and dry hopping yield a wonderful blend aromas – everything from pineapple to peach and citrus. Hop intensity is kept in check with a balanced and judicious amount of toasted and caramel specialty malts.

Roundhouse is the third new addition to Bell’s specialty packaging lineup this year. Just like Hopslam, Roundhouse is best enjoyed as fresh as possible.



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