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What Will The Candidates do for Cinco de Mayo?

How will the candidates spend Cinco de Mayo? Senator Bernie Sanders might celebrate by enjoying a burrito... which will lead to an internet meme nicknaming him Burnito Sanders. (PRNewsFoto/LexisNexis)

Arte & Cultura

What Will The Candidates do for Cinco de Mayo?


How will the 2016 Presidential Election candidates celebrate Cinco de Mayo? A look at important moments in each candidates’ campaign may offers some tongue-in-cheek clues to their plans, according to analysts at LexisNexis Newsdesk.

While LexisNexis offers insights into the media coverage surrounding the 2016 Presidential Election – including share of voice, sentiment, hot topics and social buzz. For its Cinco de Mayo analysis, the company turned its eyes to media coverage associated with immigration, Mexican-American relations, Hispanics, and Latinos, including the quotes, keywords and sentiment expressed in each. Analysis of almost 15 weeks of media coverage gave the company an idea for a humorous take on how presidential hopefuls might spend Cinco de Mayo.

  • Secretary Hillary Clinton will take her senior campaign staff out for dinner and margaritas but insist that they use her own private server.
  • Governor John Kasich, known for not backing down from impossible feats, will invite the media to watch him eat—in one sitting—everything on the menu at Don Pablos.
  • Senator Bernie Sanders will celebrate by visiting his favorite taco stand. Snaps from his run for the border will lead to an internet meme nicknaming him Burnito Sanders.
  • Donald Trump will visit a five-star Mexican restaurant and special-order a 30-foot tall taco—and then leave the tab for Mexico.

And while he is no longer a candidate in the race, Senator Ted Cruz will likely spend Cinco de Mayo at a fiesta with Speaker John Boehner, where they take turns swinging at a Trump piñata.

Do you have any predictions for how the candidates might spend Cinco de Mayo? Weigh in on Twitter @LexisNexisBiz. You can also dive deeper into the issues shaping the presidential election on the LexisNexis Biz Blog.



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